Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy New Year!!! Today is Chinese New Year's Day. Mok's mom has been visiting us since before Xmas so we are celebrating this year with red pockets, presents which include a new red ball and an animated pony named Smores (on sale at Target for 50% off), yummy food, China Mum flowering plants, Mandarin oranges, etc... Oh and the greatest present ever from Aunt Jamie... Parents brand toy cell phone that you can record your voice onto so the girls can have a special message from mommie. (Thanks Aunt Jamie!)
If I have a spare minute between diaper changes and feedings, I will post some pics of the twins.
I would like to wish all my buddies a special Happy New Year who have their kids at home for their first CNY and BIG HUGS to all my friends who are celebrating their (hopefully) last CNY without their babies.


Lynn said...

Oh my goodness! Your girls are absolutely adorable! Happy New Year! I just bookmarked your site... Love it!

Nina said...

Happy New Year to all of you, too!